Let's Build the Transformation Office
While the structure of any two Transformation Offices can differ, the capabilities required to be successful remain the same.
Transformation Office creation and continual innovation of capabilities is as much an enterprise change as the work the Office will oversee, so we treat this work as a part of any Enterprise Transformation roadmap.
Pave the way for the Transformation Office team using an Organizational Change Management approach, like the Prosci model below:
Phase I
Prepare for Change
Identify & anticipate points of resistance and special tactics based on readiness assessments
• Define your change management strategy: Assess & Remediate Readiness
• Prepare your change management team (may overlap with Program team)
• Develop your sponsorship model
Phase II
Manage Change
Define & Act on a Master Change Management Plan
• Develop Communication, Sponsor, Training & Resistance plans
• Take action / implement plans
Phase III
Reinforce Change
Continually build and communicate value with each new capability
• Collect and analyze feedback
• Diagnose gaps and manage resistance
• Implement corrective actions and celebrate successes
Far Beyond the PMO
Much more than a project management group, the Transformation Office provides key contributions to many Business and IT functions as a reliable focal point for the Business - Technology relationship.
[Below] The Business-IT Relationship through a Design Thinking lens
Transformation Office Capabilities
The below capabilities are the lifeblood of successful transformations. This model is scalable, with smaller enterprises seeing leaner teams wearing multiple hats, and larger organizations requiring more People, Processes, and/or Tools to realize full value.